
A formational year for adults aged 18 – early 30’s


‘Life in all its fullness’ – God’s intention is that, in following Jesus, you will become fully you – the best you that there can possibly be! It’s a paradox: the more like Christ we become, the more we become fully ourselves. So, to be ‘you-shaped’, isn’t just about you; it’s about orienting yourself to who God is, in Jesus.


We are not designed to journey alone. So, throughout the year we’ll eat together regularly; pray, worship, read the Bible and discuss; enjoy friendship and journey together. We’ll even adopt a ‘rule of life’ that will help us to deepen our faith and spirituality. There’ll be a fun residential weekend with great teaching; and also a Big Trip / Challenge that we’ll undertake together.


This formational journey takes off when we embark on exploring God’s call for our lives! The adventure is to truly discover what your calling looks like, through adopting new rhythms of prayer and worship and being an authentic community; as well as getting some great practical, down-to-earth teaching that will help us lead ourselves well, and live the life we are called to.


Meeting up with your cohort of friends once a month (9 times in a year) to cook, eat, learn, pray and chat together
– A fun and inspiring residential weekend in the Spring, together with the other Youshape Cohorts!
(2025 dates: Feb 14th-16th)
A big Trip / Challenge / Expedition (you may even need your Passport!)
– A commissioning service that marks your journey of faith and discovery

– Other optional opportunities to learn, explore, meet and retreat

There are Youshape meetups planned across Bucks, Berks & Oxon in 2025. Get in touch now to find out where you can meet up with a cohort of friends for a year of discovery.


Do I have to apply to join the Youshape community?

No – theres no ‘application’ form as such, but we do ask you to make an enquiry using the Form on this website (look for the ‘Find Out More Here’ link), so that we can chat to you about it, get to know you, answer your questions, and discover whether it’s the right thing for you at this time.

Is this a residential year?

No – you will continue in your routine of work, study or whatever you do, whilst gathering monthly to eat and be in community with others. There is one residential weekend during the year, and some other ‘optional’ opportunities to gather and learn.

What’s a ‘rule of life’?

You probably already have a ‘rule of life’ – you just don’t know it, or call it that! However, a ‘rule of life’ that is written, formed and shared by a community can help us form really healthy habits as we journey together. It’s a way of conveying the big story of who we are and where we’re going. It continually reminds us of the things that God has placed on hearts. With its basis in scripture, a ‘rule of life’ enables us to open ourselves up to all that God has for us, whether we are together or alone. It’s a framework for adventure!

You talk a bit about ‘calling’. How do I know what I am called to?

One of the great things about the Christian life is knowing that God calls us all! We really are all called to something. But the first step in discovering what we are called to, is to recognise who we are called to be. To be part of the Youshape community is to simply commit to a journey of discovery, by opening ourselves up to God through listening, hearing and exploring that call, and discovering what that looks like in our daily lives. You’ll never finish what you don’t start, so come and explore your calling together with others.

Is it one year only?

The initial commitment is for one whole year, starting in the Spring. But at the end of your year, there is also the option to commit to another year with a new cohort.

What about Safeguarding?

Youshape is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of people of all ages. It is important to us that everyone who takes part in Youshape is able to feel safe and secure. Anyone taking a leading role in Youshape has been through a ‘Safer Recruitment’ process, received appropriate Safeguarding Training and is required to have a DBS check. These processes are in adherence to the Diocese Of Oxford’s own Safeguarding Policy.

If you need to contact someone regarding safeguarding at Youshape, please contact:
Rev. Quentin Chandler (DDO)

or alternatively you may wish to contact the Oxford Diocese Safeguarding Team. During office hours call 01865 208 295 or email [email protected] for urgent safeguarding concerns Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm and Fri 9am-4.30pm.  Or follow this link for out of hours information: Oxford Diocese Safeguarding

Who organises Youshape?

Each Youshape cohort is peer-led, meaning the cohort make decisions themselves about when and where they meet. However, there is an appointed Convenor who facilitates the Group and is a part of it the journey.

Youshape has a Steering Group of that facilitates all the cohorts and enables it all to happen! The Steering Group includes: Rev. Pete Wheeler; James Wood (Discipleship Enabler); Rev. Quentin Chandler (DDO); Charlotte Lawson; Rev. Lydia Lee; Rev Joanna Gallant

Who can I talk to about any of this?

If you want to know more and chat with someone about it, then simply fill in the Enquiry Form above, and someone will get in touch with you. If you’re part of a Church family, you’ll also want to mention it to your Church leader – usually your Vicar – who will support and help you.